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Poly Relief Fund

Regional Fires Relief

12 donations in the last 12 hours!
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Supporters (658)

All (658)
Aaron Matz
Adam and Allegra Scholze
Aidan Lee
Aikam Singh
Aisha Haque
Alejandra Siemens
Alex Bryndzia
Alex Gross
Alex and Alonso Velasco
Alexander Hudnut and Michele Antenorcruz
Alexandra Madrid
Sending love and strength to everyone impacted. California is in this together. 💗
Alexin Tenefrancia
Alfred Clark
Alice Belgray
Alicia Zhang
Alisa Gmelich
Alison Van Dyke
Allan Haldeman
Allie Wherry
Allison Horton
Allison Kadin
Allison Prestifilippo
Alonso Velasco Jr
Altagrace Henry
Amanda Schweizer
Amy Davidson
Amy Lin
Amy Talbot
Andrea Feathers
Andrea Fleetham
Angela Cenedella
Ani Avanessian
Anita Hansen
Ann Diederich
I am heartbroken that so many of my beloved former colleagues are experiencing so much loss. Sending love and strength to you all. Please reach out if you need me.
Ann Gluck
Ann Howitt
Ann Riddell
Poly strong!
Ann Selinger
In honor of Harper Johnson
Praying for all.
Anna Andresian
Anna Draper
Anna Howell Haldeman & Allan Haldeman
Anna Valls
Annabel Gille
Anne Bracker
Anne Fauvre
Anne Sturgeon
Annie Brose and Chris Anzalone
Annie Cowden
Wildfire relief
Annie Deng
Annie Wu
Anthony and Nancy Ma
April Danz ‘91 and Kelly Johnson
Aquita Winslow and Aaron Tyler
My heart goes out to you all. Know that you are loved.
Arielle Linsey
Arjan Singh
Arjun Singh
Armen Panossian
Asher, Jonah, and Tyler Suh
Ashjian Family
One for all, all for one. We are in this together!
Ashley England
Ashley O’Bryant
In honor of Rachel Pringle
Aubany Gonzales
Audrey Huang & Boon Sim
Audrey Konow
Caring together and commiting to each other.
August + Everest Zander
Ava Miralles
Babatola family
Barbara Harder Michaels
Barbara and Stephen Gillers
Bassil Dahiyat
Bayly Buck
Becky Farbstein
Bella Duncan
Ben & Pauline Foo
Ben Robles-Dalany
Beverley Johnson
Thank you for creating a supportive Poly Community. Inspiring commitment for your students and educational for how they should lead their lives in the future.
Bhikhu & Ila Patel
Bianca Miller
Bicky & Jor Law
Birna Foley
Blair Heuer
Brad '73 and Kim Hall
Brad and Patty Hager
In honor of John Bracker
Brady Frome
Brandon Chung
Brandon Yip and Janie Chuang
Brennan Hart
Brett, Maite, and Pablo Bernath
Brigid Barnes
Brittney DeClerck
Bronwyn Pollock
Bruce and Marilynn Francis
Bryan Armas
Caitlin Latta
Calvin Hwang
Camilla Higgins
Hoping that those affected can get some semblance of normalcy back soon, thank you to the organizers of this fund.
Carla Cole
Carla Williams
Poly Strong.
Carol & Glenn Pomerantz
Carolina De Brigard
Caroline Howell
Caroline Lockerby (Harvey)
Sending love and support to those who impacted my decision to become a teacher!
Carolyn Kim
Thank you for organizing this to help our wonderful faculty!
Carolyn Williamson
Catherine Heron
Our hearts go out to those who have suffered losses in the fires.
Cathy Owen
Catie Sabbag
Cavon Hajimiri
Cessi Hessler
Charlene Beerman
Charles and Kathy Chien
Charlie Houghton
Charlie Ramirez
Charlotte Cleary
Cheryl Flores
Cheryl Jones
We send love, strength and resilience to the Polytechnic School Community.
Chiang-Zanoria Family
Chris and Jean Pisano
Christina Panossian
Christine & Curt Hessler
Christine Choi
Christine Dwyer
Thinking about you all.
Christine Lee
Christine Mirabel and Bradford Child
Christine Nguyen
Christine Suh and Brian Duncan
Cindy Lam
Claire Burton
Colin Allen
Colleen Poyar
In honor of Rachel Pringle
Colleen Tompkins
Connie & Sherrie Wang
Cynthia Berne
Dale Yee and David Rutledge
Dan Huffman
Dana (Williams) Pouwels
Danny Chao and Helen Kuo
Dante N Tess Damasco
Darci Ohigashi
David / Laura Unanue
David Ankeles
With the hope that this small donation combined with others will provide the badly needed support for those who have given so much of themselves for our children.
David Younger
David and Natalie Stone
Debbie Silva
Deborah Hong
Deborah Jackson
Our prayers are with members of your faculty and staff and overall community who have been impacted by the fires,
Deborah Reed
Deborah Vogel Cornwell
Delphye Swint
Denise Nelson Nash
Denise Yang
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy. Wishing the Poly Community a fast recovery.
Derek Kan
Derek Weisel
Derek and Erica Phillips
Diana Kim
Diane Reece
Dominic & Akiko Yoong
Dorothy Shubin and Gregory Pieschala
Doug Rand
Dr. Amber Tyson
Dr. Kristin Ceva
Dr. and Mrs. Il Y. Kim
Drake Stimson
Dylan Magsarili
Earle and Dawn Miller
Echo Puga Graney
Edward Yang
Eila Chan
Eileen Sullivan
Elaine Blair
Electra & Peter Lang
Elizabeth Harding
Elizabeth Hong
Elizabeth Rudiger
Know that you are in our thoughts.
Elizabeth Saveri
Ella Cornwell
Ella Wagener
Elsie Dang
Elyse Chan
Emily Caris
Emily Wen
Emma Hsieh
Emma Lee Hepplewhite
Emmy Yoshida and Andy Gooden
Emy Wanlass
Erin & Stephen Shih
Erin Cassidy
Ernie and Ann Jackson
We are pleased that Poly is stepping in to be a resource for all of the families affected by these horrible fires.
Ethan Chan
Eunmee and Hyunbae Cho
Floriane Siegel
Look for the helpers. Thank you, Poly, for being a helping hand.
Frank & Bonney Catanzarite
Frank & Rosalina Cardenas
Gary Almonte
Gavin Cho
Gemma Lau & Beaver Kwei
Poly Relief Fund for Eaton Fire
Gena and John Delbridge
George Lee
Gil Cheung and Judy Liu
Gilison Family
Gina & Duhee Lee
Giselle & Craig Arteaga-Johnson
Glenna Shih
Gordon and Joanne Sasaki
Graeme and Liz Gilfillan
Grant Gelberg
Greg Hull
Hadi Ammar
Hallie and Jon Rogers
Hannah & Mark Farbstein
Hannah Kaufman
Hannah Sherwindt
Harold Wilde
Harper Oreck
Hayley and Duncan Hedges
Haynes Winkler
Heather Campbell
Sending hopeful thoughts from the East Coast!.
Helen Bermudez Foley
Our amazing teachers hold our childrens' hands during this difficult time. Thank you for your compassion and kindness.
Helen Duong And Tony Piro
Henry & Queence Choi
Henry Horn
Henry Huttinger
Holly Ladd
Howie Farer
In memory of Scott Farer
It is wonderful that the Poly Community has banded together in light of this terrible tragedy.
Hyung Park
The Park family hopes this will be of help during this difficult period and our hearts go out to those who lost their homes.
IMEDRA Family Foundation
Ingersoll Family
Ivan Rokos
Jack Duncan
Jacqueline Stein
James Miller
James Woodruff and Maricruz Prado
James/Ashlin Bray
Jamie & Monique Anderson
Jane Kranwinkle Pine
Jane Thompson Hassett
Janelle Blanco
Janet Brandt
Thinking of all in your community during this stressful time.
Jason Ding
Javaughn Fernanders
Jay and Linda Mathews
Jean Kirby Jones
Jeff and Amber Nickerson
We are heartbroken by all the loss. Thinking of everyone. Stay safe and strong.
Jeffrey Keltner and Ivy Lee Keltner
Jen Fisher
Jenine Almahdi
Jennifer Chun
Jennifer Houle
Jennifer Huffman
Wishing I could do more to support from Germany. Stay safe and healthy, LA-based Poly community!
Jennifer Rho
Jerry Fu
Jess Eisenlohe
Jesse & Emma Myers
Jesse Evans
Jessica James
Jessica Mamey
Jessica Park
My heart goes out to those in the Polytechnic community who has lost a home or loved one due to the fires this past week. Thank you for coordinating this opportunity to give.
Jessica and Justin Connolly
Jethro Rothe-Kushel
We are here to help. This is just the beginning.
Jillian Nickerson
Sending my love and strength to everyone in the Poly community during this time.
Jim Franke '86 and Stephen Bialecki
Jo Hardy Erickson
JoAnn Newman
Joan Irvine
Joan Thompson
Keeping you all in thought and prayer from London, UK. Condolences to all those staff members, students and families who have lost everything. So wonderful to see the community spirit in the face of such an horrific tragedy. God bless you all🙏🏻♥️
Joanna Gardner
Jody Wang
Joe & Stephanie Woodring
Johanna Buhler
Hearts and hands together for our Poly community
John Bakaly
John Bracker and Rachel Countryman
John Clark
John Connolly
John Grether & Nancy Won
John Hong
John Horn "78 and Linda Burrow
John Keatley
John Winter
John Yen
John and Christine Love
Jonathan Choi
In honor of Dedrick Kon
I'd love to help.
Joshi Family
José Melgoza
Joyce Hirsch
Joyce Lara
Judith Delbridge
Judy Tu
Judy and Steve McDonald
Juhee LaHaye
Julie Goodell
In memory of Jane Morgan
Julie Mueller
Julie Ruedaflores
Justin Magsarili
Justin Waluch
Kamryn Chan
Karen Chou and Richard Lee
Karen Otamura
Karen Wong and Scott Lee
Karena and James Xie
Kate Ellingson
Kate and Pat Amsbry
Katelyn Lesk
Sending love from Pittsburgh, PA
Kathryn Worthen
Kathy Bristow
Kathy Ford
Katie Sam
Katie and Craig Ward
Katrina Conanan-Riel
Kay Bowen
Keith and Kathy Huyssoon
Kelley Gilbert
Kelli Mays-Aboagye
Kelli and Kris Harris
The Poly Community is in our thoughts and prayers.
Kelly & Cameron Murphy
Kelly McGee
Kelly and Eric Lee
Ken Jurgensen
In honor of Ann Lichty Giesler
Much love
Kendall Hickman
Kendall and Lindsey Kogasaka
Kendra & Peter Johnson
Sending our support to our community impacted by this awful fire. Thank you, Poly, for organizing this.
Kerri &John Cho
Kevin Austin
So thankful to be a part of this incredible community
Kiah Jones
Kieran Chan
Kiley Robbins
Kim Tran
Kimberly Bickell
Kimberly Mann
Koko '99 and Corinna Archibong
Kourtney & Joshua Underwood
Kristine Lowe
Kurt Hong
Kwame and Robynn Brathwaite '94
Laird Brown
The donation is support to Poly members who were impacted by the fire
Lannie Tonnu
Lauren Kidman
Lauren Lantry
Lauren Nussbaum
Sending all of our love and hope for better days ahead to the Poly Community!
Lauren Osen-Martin
Laurie Brae
Laurie Farber
In honor of Willis Stork
In memory of Willis Stork
My heart goes out to all those affected by the fires.
Leah Chapla
In honor of Priscilla Hoecker
Leslie Pelo
Lianna Cardenas Wilkerson
Lily Gillam
Lincoln Madnikoff
Linda Breen
Linda Haque
Lindsay Morales
Llisa Prater
Lois Chung
Lori Hovsepian
Lori MacPherson
Lorrie Duval ’72 and Dave Cardinal
Louise Fox
Lucas Hong
Luna Federici
Lynn & Jordan Hayes
Mack Sikora
Mackenzie Marcotte
Maddi & Charlotte Holder
Madelena Ruedaflores
Marc & Marge Kenny
Marc Isaacson
Marcel Wang Family
Marcela vonBreymann
Margaret Carpenter
Margaret Nelson
It is the least that I could do to help from afar. My heart goes to all staff and students affected by the fires.
Marie Munoz
Marielle and Dominic Kang
Marisa Bell
Marisa Echeverria & Paul Siemens
Marisa Wong
Marisa and Ezra Callahan ’99
Marissa Reece-Jackson
Mark '83 and Amanda Holdsworth
Mark and Catharine Grier Carlson
Mark, Amy, George, and Lily Horng
Martha Gluck
Martha Gutierrez
Sending love to everyone affected. ❤️
Mary B Carter
Mary Hetherington
Our hearts go out to all
Mary Pat & Dick Nussbaum
Mary Rose Bryndzia Delarosa
Sending love and support from Rota, Spain
Matthew Diephuis
Matthew Lawler
Max Bork
Max Child
Maxwell Beller
Megan Buechel
Megan Foley
Megan Larson and Luke Schugren
Megan Morales
Megan Wang
Meghan Lugo
Melanie Davis
Melissa Culross
Melissa Harper
Melissa Kepner
Meredith Robbins and Eric Bornemann
Michael & Lynda Connolly
Michael A. Newkirk and Olivia P. Garfield
Michael Connolly
Michael Farhang and Ellen Lansden
Michael Femino
Michael Mayson & Loyda Perez
Michael Robles
Michael/Jan Golden
Michaela Mares-Tamayo
Michele Moscarello Merritt
Michelle Feynman
Miki Chan
Miles Piro
Mimi Ruedaflores
Ming Hsieh and Eva Li
Mitchell and Lindsey Brown
Mohsin Ansari and Alya Haq
Molly Quinn
Momo Tonthat
Monica Miller Walsh
Moon Hyang Seo
Be strong for this hard time.... Be safe and be healthy.
Morgan Booth
Mrs. Babatola
Wishing the Poly community a fast recovery. Poly Strong! Stay safe and take care
Nancy Panossian
Nancy Rivera
Nat Chery
In honor of Ginny
Thinking of your community during this time 🤍
Neelima Doshi
Nick Bassi
Nicole Taylor
Nirmala Chandrasoma
Nishat Alikhan
Oana and Cristian Penciu
Olishua McClain
For those Poly families who lost much in the fires
Oliver and Simon Boozell
Olivia Kim
Ollie Arteaga-Johnson
Omar Ali
In honor of Dr. Stanley Sheinkopf
My heart goes out to the community ...
Ophelia Chen
Oscar Yague / Chris Dewitt
The donation is in support of Poly staff and Student families who were impacted by the fire.
Pamela Chow
Patrick Roberts and Courtenay Valenti
Patty Mueller
Paul and Marisza Avina
Paul and Mimi Goldstein
Peter Chan and Sheri Cheung
Peter Dervan
Peter Johnston
Peter Kim & Belinda Chan
Peter Miller
Peter Noah
Peter Trajmar
My thoughts are with those affected by this catastrophe.
Peter rice
Phil + Breann Joanou
Prasan Samtani
Thank you for the incredible work you are doing!
Pratima Gupta
Priya & Amit Desai
Rachel Dunham
Rachel O’Connor
Our thoughts are with all those who have lost their homes.
Rachel Pringle
Rajesh Bansal
Raleigh Young
Ralph Wanlass
Raman Mander
Randall Berdan
Rebecca Robinson
Rebekah Hong
Remy Pearce
Ria Cymone Wakefield
Richard & Emily Plotkin
Richard & Judy Kim
Richard Sherrell
Rob Levin
In honor of Keith Huyssoon and Debbie Reed
Robert Ip
Robert Samuels
Robin & Cort Fey
Robin Buckley and James Olds '74
Rose Dicovitsky
Rose Ehler & Ben Jones
Rosemary Gelbach
Happy to support the Poly Community during this very difficult time.
Roshi and Ali Hajimiri
Roxanne Holmes
Roya Fohrer
Rupal Trivedi
Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you find strength to endure and rebuild.
Russell Hinks
From Australia, we're thinking of you in this difficult time. Poly were always gracious hosts for our teams over the years. Brad and Richard always made sure we were looked after. I know the Poly family will bounce back stronger. From the Hinks family.
Ruth Ann Berg
Thinking of all of those who lost their homes, hoping this helps a little!
Ryder Livingston
SONAL Trivedi
Please know you are not alone during this challenging time. Your strength and resilience are truly inspiring. We stand with you, offering support, comfort, and hope. Together, we will rebuild and rise stronger.
Sabbag Family
Sadjadpour Family
Saera Cho
Sam Clark
Samantha Schreiber
Samantha Vargas Poppe
Samira Mallinger
Sanford Scholton
Sara Gaspard
Sara Sharma
Sarah Babcock
Sarah Bradley
Sarah Bridich
Sarah Ferrell
Sarah Heidel and Fred Rowley, Jr.
Sarah Nua
Sarah Patterson
Sarah Schoellkopf
Sasha Bassi
Saufong Siu
Saurabh & Meeran Saxena
Saya & Laila Desai
Scott Nomura
Scott Thomas
Scott and Kerry Slater
Sean and Christine Yu
Shakira Johnson
Shamsi Family (Amira Shamsi)
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family who have been impacted by this horrific and tragic fire events.. Our family stands in support for all the children and families in our school and community who have been affected.
Shana Szeto
Shannon Quinn
Shannon Wu
Shannon and Patrick Ward
Sheila Toller
In memory of Anna Rundle
Shelly Yanushpolsky
Sherlyn Burns
Simon Zernicki-Glover
Sonia and Neil Singla
Sophia Pan
Our hearts go out to those who have suffered losses in the fire. Together we will get through this.
Sophia Searby
Stacy Grant
Stacy Ignacio
Stefan Love
Stephanie Ahn
Stephanie Gardner
Stephany Bai
Stephen Huffman
Stephen and Emi Koehler
Steven Clark
Steven Robles
Stewart Dorsey & Karla Mei Robertson
Susan Farbstein
Susan Harmon
Susan Lee and Ted Sam
Susan and David Wang
Sushil Anand
Our deepest sympathies go out to everyone impacted by the devastating wildfires. Thinking of the strength and resilience of the community during this difficult time. Poly Strong!
Suzanne & Jimmy Holder
Suzanne Goin & David Lentz
Sydney Dahiyat
Tad Sperry
Tamara VenitShelton
Tanya Kisler
Taylor Frank
Ted & Kathy Mendenhall
Ted and Lori Samuels
Tehmina Jaffer
Terrazas Sáenz Family
We are so sorry for this devastation and are sending prayers and our love.
The K & Iwankee Chen
Stay strong and stay together for our wonderful Poly community. The K & Iwankee Chen
The Bristing Family
The Day Family
The Trivedi Family
Our hearts are with the families and Poly community rebuilding from this devastation. We pray for hope, recovery, and strength during this challenging time.”
The Vree Family
The van der Velde-Kraft
Theresa Tran
Thomasin franken
Tina Carter
Tina Noel
Todd Humphrey
Todd Molz
Tom & Grace Wen
Tom Bakaly
Tom Berrian
Stay strong Poly community!
Tom Sadler
In honor of Rosemary Clock Sadler
Tom and Nicolette Felgner
Tomas Lopez
Tony Gugino
Tony Pang and Ying-Ying Goh
Tory Masterson
Tracy Giesler Aschenbach
Trevor Stutz
Tshema Nash
Turner Romey
Usha Gupta
Vanessa (Villarreal) Elkins
Vanessa Brandon
Vicki Christianson
Vicki Holleman
In honor of Angeline Holleman
Virginia Anderson
My son Sam is a new faculty member of your wonderful community. Sending best wishes for strength and healing from Colorado.
Virginia Brooks
Poly gave Henry (‘15) and Thomas (‘18), and briefly Charlie (‘21) a supportive community our years in Pasadena. God keep All Safe.
Voltaire Sterling
Sending love, prayers, and good vibes to the Poly Community!
Wael ElSahhar and Sarah Newera
Wendy & Jeffrey Denham
Wenxin Wu
Wesley DeVoll
Will and Kristin Price Foundation
Wolf Klotz
Thank you for all that you do for our community. I hope this can be a small start to rebuilding.
Wu+Jospe Family
Yanyan Zhou & Ray Ayala
Yuan Gao
Zoe Siemens
Andrew Mackay
We want to help your faculty get through this hard time. Love, The Mackays
August tonthat
Elliott roberts
Jane trieu
Jeffrey Blatt
In honor of Geoff Yure
Marvi Epstein
Pauline ho bynum
Roberto Longoria
Scott wilson
The Nahmias-Carmichael family
William Iek
Thank you Poly for all of your support and care during this incredibly difficult time
A little goes a long way, hope this helps!
The donation is in support of Poly staff who were impacted by the fire.
In honor of Phil Hamilton
IN honor of my college friend Rick Caragher
Poly strong
In honor of The Siemens’ friends
Our prayers are with you all
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Polytechnic School
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